How Long Can We Live With Primary Mylofibrosis??
Yesterday I met a patient at the Hematology Hospital in Vietnam. She said she had been diagnosed with essential thrombocythemia for 18 years. I also read in a document that people with pure thrombocytosis have a lifespan that is sometimes no different from normal people.
If you look at the overall average, it is about 5-6 years. My doctor does not like to speculate on time. However, you can check out your DIPSS plus score which uses a series of questions to assess your risk. Based on that risk profile, it will assign you a score and an associated average expected survival. For example, a score of zero (low risk) has an associated survival of 180 months (15 years). Myelofibrosis can be varied, so very difficult when dealing with averages. Each person is different. I’ve included the link below. You will need some information about your bloodwork to complete the risk assessment.
I don’t know but seems it may be based on an individual person by person basis. I’d ask your Hematologist and/or MPN Specialist.
As long as we are proactive
I, too, believe that’s a person to person basis
I plan to go out kicking and screaming
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