Does Anyone Know If There's A Link Between HLA B-27 And JAK2? I've Tested Positive For Both.
I have ET, arthritis and fibromyalgia.
From what I could find in the scientific literature, there is an association between autoimmune diseases and myeloproliferative neoplasms. People who have an autoimmune disease are more likely to develop an MPN during their lifetime. Chronic inflammation and changes in immunity seem to be part of both groups of diseases.
Some of their mechanisms might overlap, sometimes similar genetic mutations might increase the likelihood for either an autoimmune disease or an MPN.
This is a Google Scholar search with plenty of studies that could offer an answer to your question regarding this overlap between autoimmunity and for MPNs:
Many hugs of support 🤗
Thanks a lot! This is very interesting.
Have You Had A Helicobacter Pylori Infection Before Or After Your MPN Diagnosis?
Has Everyone Who's Been Diagnose With An MPN Had A Bone Marrow Biopsy Done?
How Many Of You Have A Close Relative With A Blood Cancer?